Permanent Way

Resource Type: Image | Posted on 18th November 2011 by Liam Physick

This final part of the leaflet calls on us all to give our lives to God, and asserts that just as “Rocket’s builder also laid down L & M’s Permanent Way”, so “Jesus Christ laid down His life to make the new, permanent Way to God”: possibly the first time ever that parallels have been drawn between crucifixion and building a locomotive. We are warned that the alternative to embracing religion is to “patch your life up - put on a good show - tell yourself ‘It’ll do’ - and try not to remember what happened what happened to ‘Sans Pareil’ and ‘Novelty’ at the RAINHILL TRIALS!” Presumably, the above is a reference to the repairs that were carried out on the Sans Pareil and the Novelty during the Rainhill Trials, in a desperate and unsuccesful attempt to keep them in with a chance of winning

Permanent Way

Tagged under: steam locomotives, liverpool and manchester railway, rocket, rainhill trials, sans pareil, novelty, religion

Categorised under: Landmarks, Landscapes & Locomotives

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